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Setelah install apache22 webserver di FreeBSD 7.2 di VMware. Muncul tulisan Failed to enable the ‘httpready’ Accept Filter pada saat menjalankan apachenya.
Ternyata ini muncul karena modul accf_http (accept filter http) belum diload oleh kernel freebsd. Jadi ya harus di load secara manual. ada 2 cara untuk meload modul ini
1. dengan menggunakan command

2. menambahkan accf_http_load=”YES” pada file /boot/loader.conf

accf_http ditempatkan pada socket untuk menyetujui menerima request HTTP. Digunakan untuk mencegah aplikasi menerima koneksi sampai head HTTP penuh atau GET request sudah diterima kernel. Ini berfungsi untuk mengurangi kerja CPU.

How To Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (WGA)

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software. No upcoming events. Alam AntiFreeze Anti Virus Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software AtomicCleaner Autorun 9.35 Bandwidth Baterai Laptop Bush's Boot Camp DKI Jakarta download Fine Uninstall Free Template Freeware Gadget Gambar Game Generic Host Green Hardware Igos 2008 Informasi Informasi TI Installasi Interview IP Transit Joomla Kaka ExeLock Komputer Hang KTSP Linux. Jika kita mengaktifkan fitur Icon Update di komputer Windows XP dan melakukan update lewat internet,Microsoft akan mendeteksi apakah software yang kita pakai asli atau tidak. Dan kalau ternyata bajakan,kita di minta untuk melakukan validasi untuk menggantinya.Dengan kata lain kita diminta untuk membeli lisensinya yang pasti tidak murah harganya.

What is Windows Genuine Advantage Notification?

Windows Genuine Advantage is a software anti-piracy program started by Microsoft in 2005. It enforces the online validation of some of the Microsoft products. It is automatically installed if Windows Automatic Updates are enabled. If goes to the Windows Update site, it will ask you for installing this validation tool before you can select the updates from the Microsoft update website. By accepting to install this validation tool, an ActiveX component in Internet Explorer is installed.
What does it do?

If, for some reason, this tool fails to
validate your Windows, then it’ll always show you a warning that you may be a victim of software counterfeiting and that your Windows is not genuine. It will show up on your logon screen and make you wait for some seconds. And when you logon, it will just site in your status bar and will keep annoying you.

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software

Here is the description of Windows Genuine Advantage Tool from Microsoft.

When this tool is installed, it shows up before logging on to the system

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software

And keeps on displaying the balloons in the status bar.

Windows Vista

Windows XP

What data does WGA collect?This tool, if installed, collects the following data from the system.
Computer make and model
BIOS checksum.
MAC address.
Hard drive serial number.
Region and language settings of the operating system.
Operating system version.
PC BIOS information (make, version, date).
PC manufacturer.
User locale setting.
Validation and installation results.
Windows or Office product key.
Windows XP product ID.
How to remove WGA notification:

There are several ways to disable WGA notification. Some of them are given below:
1- Through Firewall

WGA notification can easily be disable through your firewall. You can disable the automatic startup of wgatray.exe and wgalogon.dll through your firewall. This will disable WGA notifications and this will do no harm to the system.
2- Through third party softwares

There are many softwares available which can disable WGA notifications. Notable softwares include WGARemover and MUBlinder.
3- Through System RestoreIf you have installed WGA by mistake, you can always use your system restore to get rid of it. Restore your system to the point where WGA was not installed.
4- Through deleting files manually

To remove WGA manually, follow the steps below:
Download this bat file
Double click it and restart your system
Most probably, you have successfully deleted all the files used by WGA. Now it should not come at logon.

If this bat file does not work, you should manually delete the following files from your system:
(Where X is your Windows Drive)

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And you must also create an empty wglogon.dll file in the same directory from which you are deleting it.

Restart your system once you’re finished. If you are having problems with following these steps, please write in comments.
Important Note: Microsoft has updated its WGA Tool. Now the above mentioned method will not work. Please see my latest article about how to crack the latest WGA Tool.

See Also: Office Genuine Advantage Cracked

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software

Tambahan Artikel :

Membuat Windows Xp bajakan menjadi Asli 100%

Bagi para pemakai windows bajakan yang sering konek dengan internet, mungkin anda sudah tidak asing dengan WGA validation.:D WGA validation merupakan suatu teknik yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft, untuk menlindungi software Windows XP dari pembajakan, cara kerjanya yakni dengan mengecek setiap komputer ber-OS Windows Xp yang update ke website microsoft dengan database mereka. Jika komputer anda tidak Originil, Ternyata microsoft galak juga.
Jika anda tidak suka dengan pesan tersebut dan ingin menghilangkannya, anda tinggal download software WGA Remover, kemudian install di komputer anda.:) Kemudian restart komputer anda dan lihat hasilnya. Dijamin pesan-pesan dari Microsoft bakal hilang semua:D
Hhhmm…sampai disini perjuangan kita belum berhasil, meskipun sekarang anda telah berhasil menghilangkan proteksi WGA namun suatu saat ketika komputer anda update lagi maka pesan tersebut akan muncul (pengalaman pribadi).;) Sekarang kita akan lakukan langkah terakhir dengan melakukan crack di registry. Gampang bgt, caranya anda tinggal copy paste code dibawah ini kedalam notepad. Kemudian simpan dengan nama hack.reg

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NTCurrentVersion WPAEvents]
“OOBETimer”=hex: ff,d5,71, d6,8b,6a, 8d,6f,d5, 33,93,fd
“LastWPAEventLogged” =hex:d5,07, 05,00,06, 00,07,00, 0f,00,38, 00,24,00, fd,02
[HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINESOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NTCurrentVersion]
“SubVersionNumber” =””
“CurrentBuild” =”1.511.1 () (Obsolete data – do not use)”
“InstallDate”= dword:44cd8133
“ProductName”=” Microsoft Windows XP”
“RegisteredOrganizat ion”=”GANTI DENGAN APALAH”
“RegisteredOwner” =”GANTI DENGAN NAMA KAMU”
“ProductId”=”55274- 083-1816955- 22307?
“DigitalProductId” =hex:a4,00, 00,00,03, 00,00,00, 35,35,32, 37,34,2d, 36,34,30, 2d,
38,33,36,35, 33,39,31, 2d,32,33, 32,30,31, 00,2e,00, 00,00,41, 32,32,2d, 30,30,30,
30,31,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,76, c7,64,cc, 82,46,03, 68,eb,53, 4a,11,a5, 85,03,00,
00,00,00,00, b3,27,d3, 44,1f,3c, 3b,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00,
00,00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,38,30, 35,32,35, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,89,18,
00,00,5c,10, 78,54,7f, 01,00,00, fc,1a,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00,
00,00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,00,00, 00,3a,db, c2,b8
“LicenseInfo”= hex:33,8f, a0,1f,f1, 70,1e,70, 76,91,0c, 85,8d,d8, 72,e6,22, 81,8b,ae,
5c,a3,55,fb, a2,d3,ba, 60,f6,d0, 4e,4a,37, 85,5d,00, 86,39,5b, db,dd,fc, 35,91,3c,
ca,d4,43,81, 22,ca,82, 5a,f6,47, 08

Cara Menghilangkan Tulisan Ask For Genuine Microsoft Software Virus

Setelah anda copy dan simpan code diatas, maka jalankan file tersebut dengan cara double click file yang anda buat.
Belum puas dengan langkah-langkah diatas, sebenarnya ada satu langkah lagi agar windows kita 100% asli. Kita dapat menggunakan software keyfinder untuk merubah Windows Key dan Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage Tool untuk mengecek windows kita asli atau tidak.
Selamat windows anda sekarang menjadi windows asli tapi palsu:D Dengan langkah2 diatas maka anda dapat mendownload IE anda menjadi versi IE 7 dan Media Player upgrade ke versi 11.
Sekian dulu yah, pesan saya gunakan selalu open source jgn biasakan diri anda bergantung sama windows (meskipun saya sendiri masih belum bisa lepas 100%)