Talyvel 5 Manual


Form Talysurf Intra System Features and Benefits • 1mm vertical range / 16nm resolution Delivers form (contour) as well as surface finish measurement capability for precision metal forming and other applications. • 50mm horizontal traverse Ideal for the majority of shop floor applications. The unit combines both accuracy and portability. • 0.40um / 50mm straightness error The high accuracy traverse datum makes possible skidless measurement of waviness, form and contour, even on large components. • 0.5um horizontal data spacing Small components and features can be measured more effectively than ever before. Reduced run-up and run-down length further improve usability. • Manual column For large or tall components the available manual column provides a stable, dedicated work station for improved throughput. Form Talysurf Intra – Inductive System Precision Solutions for Surface Finish and Contour Measurement PRODUCT The original Form Talysurf, launched in 1984, was the first instrument ever to measure texture, form and contour simultaneously. Now, our newly developed Form Talysurf Intra measurement system has reinforced Taylor Hobson’s leadership position and created a new global standard for the assessment of surface finish and form. With a full millimetre of range, a wide selection of interchangeable styli and a patented calibration routine, the Intra system is ideal for almost all high precision applications. Ultra Software - comprehensive surface finish analysis Form Talysurf Intra Sytem include everything important to the measurement of surface finish. Fundamental roughness and waviness parameters are included, plus form error analysis, feature exclusion, zoom tool and full programmability for shopfloor applications. • Form Analysis* Measure and evaluate Radius, Angle (Slope) and Dimension • Simple User Interface* Combines with system programmability to deliver a true shopfloor solution; custom designs available. • Dual Profile Analysis* Allows comparison of measurements for wear, tolerancing, etc. • Ultra Contour Analysis Separate software utility for dimensional applications, allowing design data and measurements to be directly compared, and error results obtained. Special hardware is also available for wide-range applications. • Talymap 3D Analysis Separate software utility for topography applications; special hardware is also required. *Ultra Software Licence Options Taylor Hobson delivers an excellent investment • Save money with flexible, modular system configurations • Improve accuracy with our patented calibration routine • Save time with multi-tasking measurement systems • Increase productivity with automatic, unattended operation • Prevent mistakes with programmed measurement routines

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Talyvel 5 Manual Pdf

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